Google Trip Planner
In an effort to improve the customer experience and capitalize on new technology tools, CATS has partnered with Google Transit Services to allow you to plan your trips using Google Maps. The Trip Planner is a widget on this website which collects the necessary location, date and time information, and produces an interactive map offering bus transit options within CATS service area.
Terms and Conditions of Use:
CATS strives to provide quality information through Google Transit, but cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. This is a new and experimental service that is still being refined both by Google and participating transit agencies. It is recommended that riders double-check trip itineraries with the published bus schedules available on Please see the Google Transit Terms and Conditions.
What should I do if I receive incorrect, misleading, or confusing trip itinerary information?
If your trip itinerary has inaccurate stop location, time, fare, or service schedule information, it’s probably because of misinformation between CATS and Google Transit. Record the origin, destination and arrival/departure date and time for your itinerary and contact Customer Service about the problem you experienced.
Only through your continued use and feedback can we make the trip planner better for everyone.
Things to Consider When Using Google Transit
- Some routes may be drawn as straight lines from stop to stop, and do not follow the actual route of the bus on the roads. We are working to improve this.
- The trip planner may provide 2 or 3 suggested trip plans. We recommend you always check these alternative trip plans as they may provide a trip that better meets your needs.
- Walking directions and times can be inaccurate, sometimes suggesting walking across impassable obstacles. Google is working to improve walking directions.