Empower Baton Rouge Study

Empower Baton Rouge Study Map

About Empower Baton Rouge Study

CATS is committed to improving the public’s quality of life by providing access to jobs, education, healthcare, and other needs through transit services. In June 2023, the Empower Baton Rouge Transit Study was launched to identify transit needs and solutions for the East Baton Rouge Parish and cities of Baton Rouge and Baker. Based on the census data, much of the CATS service area includes households who depend on transit services provided by CATS. Through the community engagement conducted in Phase 1 (Fall 2023) and Phase 2 Spring 2024), we have worked with residents, including those typically underserved by transit, to identify transit needs and solutions for the East Baton Rouge Parish and cities of Baton Rouge and Baker.


You Spoke and We Listened 

Through public and virtual meetings, pop-up events, surveys and more conducted in Phase 1 (Fall 2023) and Phase 2 (Spring 2024), CATS determined that the following were transit barriers:

· Not enough frequent bus service

· Lack of amenities at stops

· Lack of direct bus service to destinations

· Lack of sidewalks and crosswalks

· Bus service is not reliable

Watch our video outlining these transit barriers and CATS’ proposed solutions here.

Proposed Solutions 

CATS proposed solutions to transit barriers identified during Phase 1 and 2 to improve service, which include:

  • Add sidewalks to connect to bus stops while considering landscaped areas between pedestrians and cars.
  • Add crosswalks with flashing pedestrian lights and high visibility pavement markings to assist people in safely crossing the street.
  • Create a bright, comfortable, and recognizable waiting area by adding amenities such as shelters, seating, lighting, and trash bins.
  • Install real time arrival signage to communicate bus arrival information to passengers.
  • Build ADA-accessible passenger bus stop pads to provide easier access for riders boarding and exiting buses.
  • Coordinate with MOVEBR, the City of Baton Rouge Housing Authority, and Build Baton Rouge to help connect more transit services to safe and affordable housing.
  • Consider recommendations from the 2022 Comprehensive Operation Assessment (COA) to improve transit service and implement system-wide enhancements, including:
    • Reducing the size of the transit network to improve service on popular routes
    • Making key routes more efficient to provide faster trip times with route changes
    • Adding four new bus routes, including the Plank-Nicholson BRT.

What's Next: Summer 2024

  • CATS is currently compiling all the public input gathered in Phase 2 community engagement and will finalize the solutions that meet the community's needs, identify funding and develop timelines to build out these solutions. 

Get Involved 

Collaborate with us to build a better Baton Rouge. Sign Up for updates.

Previous Community Engagement Materials

CATS held five listening sessions in Fall 2023 and several listening sessions and participated in community events this Spring 2024 to learn about the community’s experiences with transit. Click on the links below to see Phase 1 and Phase 2 materials:


Questions, Comments…Contact Us!

Comments can be made by sending a message to our social media profiles, submitting through our contact form, by email, or mail.

ATTN: Empower Baton Rouge – Transit Study
Capital Area Transit System
2250 Florida Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Persons who require Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) assistance to attend the listening sessions, review website materials, or take the online survey should contact news@brcats.com no later than 7 days before the event or close of the comment period. Persons who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting.