The CATS Dash


LAST UPDATED: 08/13/24


Monthly CATS Ridership measures the total number of rides provided across the entire CATS system during the month, including fixed route service, CATS On Demand paratransit service, and the LYNX microtransit service. This figure demonstrates the necessity of CATS’ services to the people of Baton Rouge and Baker.

Extra Mile Employee Commendations are a recognition of CATS employees who go the "Extra Mile" to serve our community. These awards are given based on nominations from fellow employees and the public. You can learn more about The Extra Mile, and nominate a CATS employee here.

Monthly LYNX Microtransit Ridership is the total number of rides provided by the microtransit pilot program in Baker, Louisiana. This pilot program is the first of its kind in Louisiana, making this figure an important measure of the feasibility and cost effectiveness of future microtransit service in CATS’ service areas.  

Average Age of CATS Fleet demonstrates the innovation and investment represented by CATS’ fleet of fixed route buses. As we continue to upgrade our fleet, and move towards our goal of 50/50 clean diesel and electric buses, this figure will reflect the progress we make towards those goals. It is also an important safety marker, as the Federal Transit Administration designates the “useful life” of a transit bus at 12 years.